Special footy for Indigenous Round

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 08 Mei 2013 | 18.35

The Indigenous Sherrin Ball that will be used.

THE AFL will unveil a specially-designed indigenous ball as part of its Dream Time celebrations.

It is believed the league wants to use the new-look Sherrin in games throughout Indigenous Round (Round 9, May 24-26), pending a final approval.

The leather ball is covered in coloured symbols which commonly feature in traditional indigenous paintings.

SEE THE FOOTY: Have a look at the specially-designed Sherrin above

While the AFL would not comment yesterday, the Herald Sun has obtained the first photos of the indigenous ball.

It is hoped the ball will help celebrate the contribution indigenous players have made to Australian rules.

"The circular rings and dots cluster in yellow, red, blue and green showcasing the continuous cycle of prominent and emerging players, now regarded as modern day warriors," the ball's promotional material says.

The league plans to release the newly-designed Sherrin in a fortnight to coincide with the launch of Indigenous Round between May 24-26.

It is expected the indigenous ball will also go on public sale through Sherrin.

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